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Top Questions

Holistic Care Questions

There are a lot of questions that people have when visiting a new Naturopathic Practitioner. Find some of the most common questions people have below. If something is still unclear, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a holistic functional approach to the whole person encompassing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of health. We do not practice medicine, diagnose, prescribe, or treat diseases. Traditional Naturopaths seek to remove "obstacles" so the client's body can heal naturally. We look for the root cause of a condition, usually a result of insufficient diet, lifestyle habits, and environmental factors which cause the body to have imbalances. This leads to a weakening of defenses causing a breakdown of health. We call this "terrain theory."

A traditional naturopath focuses on teaching clients how to apply the foundations of health (air, sunlight, water, exercise, rest, emotional stability, body and energy balance, and spirituality) to facilitate the body’s innate healing potential. The roots of imbalance are improper diet, unhealthy habits, and environmental factors which leads to a weakening of natural defenses.

It was Hippocrates himself who said, “Only nature can cure, and that the physician merely assisted the process to make healing more pleasant and less painful.” Dr. Benedict Lust is considered the “Father of Naturopathy” in the United States. Dr. Benedict Lust said, “Naturopathy is not the practice of medicine or surgery… All methods of a naturopath are natural methods, the agents of life such as food, air, sun, relaxation, sleep, the use of herbs.”

As air, water, and food are becoming more tampered with, naturopathy is more important than ever. People need to know how to empower themselves naturally. 

What issues can Naturopathy address?

Naturopathy can address fatigue and improve energy levels, improve sleep, inflammation (we'll focus on how to reduce it), gut health (unfriendly bacteria and candida can create some troubles), women's health, men's health, stress (let's diminish the impacts of stress on your body, enhance immune system function, mindful breathing, pH balancing, a ZYTO biosurvey to help provide individualized information to help you reach your wellness goals faster, emotional support through flower essences (tailor blended for your unique presentation), herbal suggestions, and homeopathy.

Can Naturopathy be used along with conventional medicine?

Yes! I always ask you to collaborate with your medical healthcare provider about all naturopathic recommendations. In fact, complementary modalities can support conventional medical recommendations, and improve health outcomes.

Do you accept insurance?

No, I do not accept insurance because I am not medical provider. I do accept checks, credit cards, cash, and zelle.

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